Working Memory Executive Functioning Game
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Practicing executive function can be fun with this Working Memory Executive Function Game. Includes scenarios, ideas for strategies, and practice executive functioning skills! Play as a game with the included game board and question cards about working memory. Our definition of working memory is: Connect multiple executive functions to each other, evaluate performance on tasks and activities, and identify what is succeeding.
Objective: Students will learn about and practice working memory as an executive functioning skill through a hands-on game.
Can be used with students across upper elementary, middle, and early high school. Students who read, have skills at or close to grade-level, and need some executive functioning support and practice.
- Teaching about working memory as an executive function
- Teaching about strategies, tools, and supports
- Teaching and practicing self-advocacy
- Reminders about strengths and needs
- Re-teaching and supporting aspects of the executive function
- Person-centered plan goals
We want to support you in creating a future-focused classroom where students are more prepared for life after high school, including executive functioning. The resource supports students around executive functioning needs, so they have more hands-on practice for school and in upcoming years.
What's Inside
- About the Resource
- Resource Preparation
- Resource Walkthrough
- 40 Scenario Cards
- 40 Event Cards
- Full Page with color-coordinated spaces to match the scenario and event cards.
- Spinner
- 6 color pieces
- Student directions
- Answer Key for Scenario cards