This set of task cards focuses on the executive functioning skill of metacognition. As an activity, this resource helps students learn, discuss, and practice metacognition as it relates to executive functioning.
Metacognition is all about your ability to connect your executive functioning skills together and evaluate from a bird’s eye view how well you are doing at managing your day-to-day functioning.
The task cards are designed for students at higher elementary, middle, and high school who need support with their executive functioning skills.
Some students need more specialized support with their executive functioning skills, and these task cards can help them with continued instruction and practice.
Applicable to students who are very bright and do well in school, but struggle with executive functioning.
Also for students requiring special education services and accommodations, such as students with ADHD, autistic students, learning disabilities, and more.
Overall, all learners can benefit from working on their executive functioning skills.
Why Are Executive Functioning Skills Important?
Executive functioning skills are an umbrella of skills that we all use daily. They include adaptable thinking, planning, self-monitoring, self-regulation, working memory, time management, organization, metacognition, and task initiation.
Executive functioning skills are useful for academics as well as life skills. Kids through adults can all benefit from instruction and practice to navigate their daily lives and be successful in reaching their goals.
Focus on self-advocacy and building upon strengths:
These task cards build upon a self-advocacy and strengths-based framework. Although someone may be struggling with an executive functioning skill, these task cards walk a learner through the tools they have as a self-advocate. The task cards cover applied executive functioning skills that students may encounter in their own lives, and as they navigate a scenario, they also practice problem-solving, decision-making, and conflict resolution – all concepts that will support their self-advocacy and self-determination.